Our mission is to serve and create something new and exciting in your life with what is present now to get to where you desire to be. Choosing to live an unapologetic lifestyle begins here!


.I am now accepting new clients, who are ready to be guided on their next level of their journey through life.

All appointments can be scheduled through email or telephone .

Email: info@unapologetichappiness.org

Telephone Number : (267) - 787-9127

Hours to contact by telephone is from 9 A.M. - 5 P.M.

To contact us by email that line of communication is open 24/7 .

Coahing Packages

Each program is designed specifically for each individual client and their goal, The details will be discussed at consultation to see if we are the right company for you . I look forward to connecting with you in the near future thank you welcome to Unapologetic Happiness