Greater Health & Wellness brings joy to so many other areas of your life.



Weekly Coaching

This health and wellness coaching options allows for you to meet with Coach Shanett on a weekly basis until you attain your desired results. This package allows for flexibility with scheduling.



Make It A Lifestyle Package

This health and wellness coaching package allows you to work with Coach Shanett over a course of 6 consecutive weeks to establish habits when it comes to your health and wellness. Diet, personal training, personal habits and other areas of health and wellness will be tackled and mastered within these powerful 6 weeks!


Client-Focused Package

The Client-Focused Package is exactly that CLIENT-FOCUSED! Coach Shanett will have a consultation with you and customize your health and wellness coaching to your needs. Whether they be financial, time, physical etc. Coach Shanett wants you to have the ability to to greater your health and wellness!

*Pricing is determined after consultation.



"I am so excited to shift your entire life in a powerful way through greater health & wellness!"

-Coach Shanett



This Week’s Health &Fitness Challenge

Engaging in yoga with meditation twice a day in the morning and before bed.

Three days of home/in gym workout target full body (leg day, arms, back& chest) Email Me for Guided routines

Join Me on Instagram @unapologetichappinessllc for a live 5a.m. Work out starting Monday – Friday (Abs, Cardio,Glute work)

Drinking at least 3L of water daily.

Photograph or Record Your Journey Daily Post on Social Media and Tag Me or Email Your Commitment!